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What Is Endometrial Ablation?

Endometrial ablation is a method of treating heavy or abnormal menstrual bleeding.

During the procedure, a thin layer of the uterine lining is removed to minimize menstrual bleeding to an average or lighter level. This can be done with a hysteroscope to provide a clear picture of the uterus. While it does not stop the bleeding altogether, endometrial ablation can significantly reduce menstrual discomfort for many women.

It’s also important to note that pregnancy is not likely to occur after this procedure. Before this procedure, discuss your plans with your provider to determine the likelihood of your becoming pregnant afterward.   

Is This Procedure Right for Me?

If you are considering this procedure, you can meet with your healthcare provider to discuss the benefits, the potential risks, and the results of endometrial ablation. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have. Your provider will ensure you have a clear understanding of the procedure. 

Your provider may recommend endometrial ablation depending on the severity of your menstrual bleeding, your medical history, or your lack of response to other forms of management. 

Ask Your Provider About Endometrial Ablation

Your Square Care Medical Group provider is here to assist you with all your healthcare needs. We have 16 locations and extensive experience with this procedure, so we can ensure you have the support you need to manage your menstrual cycles. 

If you feel as though you would benefit from endometrial ablation or have questions about menstrual management, you can schedule an appointment with your dedicated provider.