Vaginal Rejuvenation
Vaginal rejuvenation is often used to describe any female genital cosmetic surgery. It may also refer to vaginoplasty—the tightening of the walls of the vagina—or perineoplasty, which is described as the strengthening of the perineum.
Along with reshaping the appearance of the vagina, these procedures can address certain issues, such as sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, or vaginal dryness.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is the process of removing unwanted hair on the body. To remove hair, the follicles are exposed to rapid laser light pulses. This common procedure can boost your self-esteem and help you achieve your desired look. You may need a few treatments to experience the best results and touch-ups to address any small hairs that reappear.
Who Can Benefit From Cosmetic Procedures?
Many women can benefit from the confidence boost that results from vaginal rejuvenation or laser hair removal. You may seek a cosmetic procedure for several reasons, whether it’s medical, personal, or other.
How Can I Schedule a Cosmetic Procedure?
Before scheduling a cosmetic procedure, it may be beneficial to meet with your healthcare provider. This is your chance to ask questions about the procedure and its possible benefits to you. Your provider can make recommendations and will respond to your questions with compassion.
You can contact your Square Care Medical Group provider to find an office near you that performs cosmetic procedures.