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Endometrial Ablation Recovery: What To Expect

Woman Wearing Warm Clothes at Home

Planning for Endometrial Ablation Recovery

You’re scheduled for an endometrial ablation procedure, but you have questions about the recovery process. We’re here to help. Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure, which means you will have a much shorter recovery time and a smaller scar, if any. Keep reading below for what to expect during your endometrial ablation recovery journey.

What Is Endometrial Ablation?

Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure designed to treat women experiencing extremely heavy periods that disrupt daily life. This procedure targets the tissue lining the uterus, using various types of energy—such as hydrothermal, balloon therapy, radiofrequency, or cryoablation—to destroy it safely. Candidates for the procedure are usually those who have not responded to other treatments, are not postmenopausal or have a history or risk of uterine cancer. You will likely not be able to become pregnant after the procedure, so for women not planning to have children in the future, endometrial ablation can be a less invasive alternative to a hysterectomy.

Endometrial Ablation Recovery: What to Expect

A common question about this procedure is what to expect during recovery. Recovery from endometrial ablation is typically much quicker than traditional surgery. Depending on the type of procedure performed, many patients can return to normal activities, such as driving and light exercise, within 1–3 days. Full recovery, including the resolution of light spotting and engaging in sexual intercourse, can take up to 4 weeks. However, keep in mind that each recovery journey is different. Your own recovery will depend on:

  • Your overall health before the procedure
  • The reason you’re having the procedure
  • Which method of endometrial ablation you are having
  • What happens during the procedure and whether or not there

During the initial recovery period, some patients may experience mild nausea, discharge, lower abdominal swelling, or bleeding.

When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider

Not all recovery is without issue, and there is always a risk associated with surgeries. While most people recover within ten days with minimal problems, if you experience any of the below, you should make a follow-up appointment with your HCP:

  • If you experience burning or stinging when using the restroom or have incontinence issues, this could be due to an infection that must be treated with antibiotics.
  • If you experience very heavy periods or prolonged bleeding beyond the first ten days
  • If you have pain in your lower abdomen, especially if a high fever accompanies it, this could be a sign of a more serious complication that may require hospitalization.

Besides the above, if you have very red discharge, shooting pain, swelling, fever, or if anything feels ‘off,’ you should go to the hospital.

Common Side Effects During Recovery

During your recovery, you may experience any number of side effects. The most common are bleeding that resembles a light-to-medium period, cramping, discharge, and fatigue.

Bleeding and Discharge After Endometrial Ablation

Bleeding after endometrial ablation is normal. For the first few days or weeks after the procedure, you will most likely have a combination of bleeding and watery or bloody discharge. You can wear a pad during this time, but wearing a tampon is not recommended. You should not submerge yourself in water, i.e., a bath or swimming pool, until the discharge has stopped. If you have heavy bleeding (soaking through a pad every 2 hours or less) or bleeding and discharge beyond the first 7-10 days, you should go to the hospital.

Losing Weight After Endometrial Ablation

Although the procedure does not cause weight loss, some women report it in the first few weeks after it.

Intimacy After Endometrial Ablation

We recommend to hold off on any penetrative sexual relations until after vaginal bleeding or discharge has stopped. After the proper recovery time, you can resume sexual activity, and your procedure should not cause any long-term changes that would inhibit intimacy.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

The best way to ensure you have a smooth and quick recovery after your procedure is to:

  • Drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated
  • Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and lower your sugar intake
  • If possible, stop smoking and limit your alcohol intake

Endometrial Ablation Recovery FAQs

Is It Common to Have Migraines After Endometrial Ablation?

Some women report an increase in migraines or headaches after their procedure. There is no evidence that endometrial ablations cause migraines, but they are not necessarily a sign of a serious problem. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Just check with your doctor to ensure you are cleared to take any medication.

Can I Get Pregnant After Endometrial Ablation?

Yes, it is not a sterilization procedure, so there is still a chance you may become pregnant after having endometrial ablation. However, you would be at an increased risk for pregnancy-related complications. If you do not want to become pregnant, you should continue to use contraception.

Can My Periods Return After Endometrial Ablation?

Yes, while some women’s periods stop completely after the procedure, others may continue to have them. The period may be lighter or have a more orange-ish, watery discharge. If you continue to have heavy periods, you should see your doctor.

When should I expect my first period after endometrial ablation?

Some women stop having periods after the procedure. For others, you may have a period anytime between one to three months post-op. The period may be lighter or heavier than before, but you should give your body a few months to adjust to a “normal” period.

Your Endometrial Ablation Journey Starts With the Right Care

Recovery after endometrial ablation is an essential part of achieving the best results from your procedure. Prioritize rest, listen to your body, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns. Following your provider’s guidance, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and staying informed can significantly impact your recovery experience. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey—your Squarecare Health provider is here to support you every step of the way.